Book Me A Book*

My favorite memories of childhood are of Saturdays, when dad would drop me off at B.C. Roy Children’s Library on his way to work . I would be in Readers’ Heaven for the next few hours. He always had to pry me from the shelves of wonderful books during lunch time, and my only consolation for losing half an hour to lunch was the cold coffee with ice cream I always demanded from the nearby Udupi Café.  I would rush back to my books soon after and would not budge even when the pretending-to-be-angry watchman jangled the library keys persistently, at closing time.

Since the library is for children only, I sought haven at the college libraries once I turned 18. A librarian once swore in front of theprofessors that I had probably read all the books under the ‘Fiction’ category but had not touched a single course reference book in the library! The best compliment she ever paid me, I believe.

Gurgaon, unfortunately does not boast of good libraries. SMM did introduce me to the lending library in Supermart, but it did not stock the books I wanted, and it has no place to sit and read!  There is Landmark of course. which furnishes our home with books but minifies our bank balances considerably.

So yesterday when I remembered a post by ~nm about,  I jumped with joy. And I went there as fast as my clicks could carry me! Subscribed and browsed through the categories. Picking and choosing. Tagging books I wanted to read and creating a list of books they could send me.

And was I surprised when the delivery-man handed me the red bag full of books today. Delivery in 24 hours! I am hooked.

So if you’re fond of reading and you’re in NCR, check out  And read ~nm’s post for more details. Me? I’ve got some voracious reading to do.

*Title is the name of the Online Books Library in Delhi,  Book Me A Book

31 thoughts on “Book Me A Book*

  1. Oh –i can so totally relate to this post! I too have been a library addict ever since I can remember..Here I am in heaven as i have access to one of the best libraries in UK..Between 4 of us we can borrow 60 books! 🙂
    Really glad you discovered bookmea book. In pune I used to miss a good library. I used to buy books then 🙂

    I read this amazing book recently. Will mail you the details 🙂


  2. when i used to be in delhi, i missed the presence of a library…we joined the british council for want of anything better … i’m glad that you’ve found a fantastic option 🙂

    looks like happy hours are extended 😀

  3. I want a good library too…I can’t ever find the books I want in Crossword or the nearest circulating library.
    Hope you enjoyed the short break.

  4. books were a big part of my growing up too…!

    Phantom, Mandrake, Shikari Shambhu, Amar Chitra Katha’s, Misha, Target… sigh… !!

    and i have re-started my booking reading !!!!!! hope i continue !!!

  5. Hey thanks a ton Meira ! For book addicts like me something like book me a book is a great find !
    I checked out their website and am planing to use this site now !

  6. U r so lucky really….one of the complaints about where I live is tht they have just 2 or 3 good libraries in the whole of Dubai:-(


  7. Lol, I know what you mean! I issued more Agatha Christie’s from my college library’s diminutive English section than Technical books (from the comparitively gigantic one)

  8. Happy hrs have really begun for me…:) For last five years, I had been desperately searching for a library in gurgaon… and finally thanks to your blog.. i know how to get lots of books for reading ..:)

    Happy Reading!!

  9. Your blog is very interesting. I write for the Times of India and we’re soon coming up with a gurgaon edition. Would like to get in touch with you as i’m trying to study my market here. I think an article on book renting companies would be useful to a lot of people.


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